IPN Headsets

About IPN

IPN Telecom is a leading supplier of professional telecom hardware for the worldwide business-to-business market. The company provides its customers with headsets and related telecom products from its head office located in Wijchen, The Netherlands. IPN Telecom was founded in 2009 and is now active all over the world, with its own brand IPN Headsets leading the way.

The strength of IPN Telecom

IPN Telecom’s success can be attributed to the combination of a full range of top-quality products backed up by a strong organisation. Lines of communication within the company are short, leading to high level of service and fast delivery. IPN Telecom is very experienced in the telecom industry, has a good understanding of market requirements and is regarded by its customers as a knowledgeable partner for telecommunication equipment.

Development in progress

Product development is of paramount importance to IPN Telecom. By investing in research and development, the company’s product range is extended and improved each year.

IPN Telecom’s objective

Our objective and aim is to provide a range of products that offers quality, functionality, fully featured richness and competitively priced units that enables you to build a successful business on.

IPN Headsets

IPN Headsets brings a new era in quality and functionality to the headset market. This covers wired and wireless headsets which have been developed in line with state-of-the-art noise cancelling technology and ergonomics. In addition to product innovation, design is also a characteristic feature of the IPN Headsets range.

IPN Headsets manufactors also the Leitner Headsets, Accutone wireless headsets and Agent Headsets.